Category: Traveling Tips

The Best Spring Travel Destinations Worldwide with 17 Travel Families

Favorite Spring Travel Destinations

Spring is just around the corner! And after a long (and sometimes cold) winter, most families are ready to get out and hit up their favorite Spring Travel Destinations. We know that this year many families won’t be able to travel like they normally… Continue Reading “The Best Spring Travel Destinations Worldwide with 17 Travel Families”

safe covid-19 Travel: when and how to prepare?

safe covid-19 travel

UPDATED 2022: We were finally able to get out and take our first safe COVID-19 travel trip of the year! As the travel industry begins to open again, we took the opportunity to take a trip inside of Israel. And although it was so… Continue Reading “safe covid-19 Travel: when and how to prepare?”

10 Tips for Your First Solo Travel with a Baby

I consider myself a veteran traveler. I’ve been traveling around the world since my early 20’s – solo traveling or with my husband. But the time had come to add solo travel with a baby to my resume, and I’ll admit… I was terrified!… Continue Reading “10 Tips for Your First Solo Travel with a Baby”

Becoming an Influencial Travel Couple

My husband and I have become a travel couple and travel a lot… and when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. We’ve gotten into the habit of traveling outside the country at least every 3 months, and sometimes even monthly. Traveling is… Continue Reading “Becoming an Influencial Travel Couple”

6 Essential Traveling Tips for Preparing to Fly

Today’s the day. I’m preparing for my big summer trip back home.  I usually go back once a year to visit family and friends, and I’ve found that being from Michigan, summer is my preferred time of year. anyone who’s been there in the… Continue Reading “6 Essential Traveling Tips for Preparing to Fly”

Car Rental Traveling Tips to Know BEFORE You Travel

Renting a car can be tricky in a foreign country, so BEFORE YOU TRAVEL, make sure you know these car rental traveling tips. And Beware: Car Rental Insurance DOES NOT cover car theft….